Coming home from a crop circle and saw this helping hand in the sky.

Had a feeling to take a pic after meditating and found this. It flew to the other side for the next pictures.

Pin marks on my skin in triangular form.

Compelled to do this drawing of shapes for three days and nights. When put together, this appears.

Strange looking acorn shape in sky.

Strange shelf like shape.

First time I disappeared and was taken back to another spot.

This little shadow boy played hide and seek all day. He called out my son's name.

My Aura.

A guide perhaps.

Not sure, just woke up with this on my arm one morning. It's been there for years now.

Woke up one night after hearing a noise, saw this pointed right in the middle of my forehead before I knocked out.

Formation of birds over the crop circle I was in.

Rods of light in the sky.
Faces of ET in the flashes of light I get on my camera.

I asked for a message on the radio, the song said there is a halo above you and I had this strong urge to go outside and look up. Caught this.

Look for beings, fairies, elves and other nature spirits when you can in nature. I had the feeling to lie down on the ground and take pictures of this little plant - I'm glad I listened.

Lying down in a crop circle and saw this heart in the sky.

Was messing around with my camera and a face appeared in the mirror.

Saw this being looking out the window of a neighbour's house. It was surrounded in a blue light.

There is three hands....how?

Saw this beauty fly over my head, only a couple of feet away. It was amazing!

Saw this once as I returned to my body, I was a billion stars.

A few seconds and it's gone in the next frame.

A regular night for me :)

This was a magical day. I saw a Grey being with little babies coming to see me. They ran over to me, hugging me and sitting on my lap. I'm sure I met beings in human form after that.
More little nature spirits.