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The being on the right is one I found in water scrying. I did a drawing of him just to see what he might look like in full light.

The being on the left was found through water scrying as well which can show a bit of wobble from the water. I straightened it up to see what he really looks like.

Look at the wisdom, the communication in his eyes alone.
My favourite being of all time.
First being to come through water scrying.

Panther, Lion type being.
Cool looking ET.

Love this guy..a little scary, but amazing.

Soooo cute!

This ET looks so familiar.

Sweet little angel type being.

Another cool looking ET.

This is my drawing of a being who came to give me healing at a very sad time in my life.
I'm in heaven looking at this guy's face, he's so friendly looking. I moved the hand around as it seemed backwards.

I thought this might be big foot but now I think it might be Annunaki. He seems to have wings.

His cat as well!

Two for one.

Cute little grey ET.

This ET has an amazing face.

Not sure, but it looks like a grey being peeping through the back window of the shed.
I was talking to the ET's and this being appeared on my screen. It was late at night and birds do not project light.

I love the Mantis beings, they are healers. I saw one up close and personal once, he had a claw for a hand. He helped me heal.
This was interesting. Water scrying and this guy appears with a heart and the number 12 written on it. See his fingers, so clear.
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