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A Fairy, Orbs, Beings of Light, Rods, UFO's, Space Worms, Dragons and Spiritual energy in all forms. Let me show you what I found in these magical realms beyond the veil.
(All pictures and videos are taken by me in the spirit of sending my love to the Light and being answered by their loving Light.
Above, are pictures I took while water scrying and below is a picture of a dragon I saw in the sky, it flew down as I clicked. In the sky it had been golden and had scales, but as it flew down it turned into a kind of ectoplasm.
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Fairy Video
The thing is, I was asking for a fairy to come close and something told me to videotape this area of the sky. I found this later.

Beautiful Beings
I was water scrying and asking the ET's to come forward and show themselves in the water. I was delighted to find they did and I have seen many faces that will astound you.
Orbs of light, spirit light, is everywhere and sometimes they throw in an surprise for you, like this pink glowing light with a glorious core of white light.
Click for more Orbs

I have seen many UFO's in all shapes and sizes, also light anomalies flying around in the sky. This is one of my favourites and the first one caught on camera.
Click for more UFO's
When they come to say hello!
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